Transform your awareness by diving into the knowledge & light of your soul!
Experience past life regression, a soothing energy bath, a historic, spiritual tour or a Victorian wedding aside our springs!
Experience past life regression, a soothing energy bath, a historic, spiritual tour or a Victorian wedding aside our springs!
At The Fountain of Youth, LLC, we believe that true wellness is a holistic approach that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. We strive to empower our clients to take control of their own health and well-being by diving deep into the soul, healing and retrieving lost parts to encompass the fullness of who you are, integrating your most authentic, empowered, intuitive, joyful, powerful state.
Providing the world renown QHHT, which is a type of past life regression, allows your soul to journey to another time and place with powerful, important information for your current soul transformation process. What is your inner being trying to tell you at this time? What memories are calling for reawakening? What gifts are ready to emerge? Through this technique and Zeharaa’s 14-year experience as a healer, she assists you in tapping into the larger, more powerful you!
The Fountain of Youth, LLC was established at around the start of 2025 with a new aim in healing. Eureka Springs has a very special energy, combining it’s powerful essence and unique characteristics with Zeharaa’s energy, which has had extreme transformational results since the beginning in 2011, this technique has proven to be magnified in the years prior as she has been working with individuals locally. Prior to, she was working with people remotely, around the world, seeing profound results such as miraculous healings, massive spiritual activations, and more described below. If you have been divinely guided, as most are, trust the process and get excited for the positive shifts in your life!
Schedule your session today!
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What would it feel like to have that geyser of energy flowing through you every day?! You can see it with those who have it. They have so much energy and stamina, seem so happy and exuberant all the time, things work out for them. When I work on someone, it can be jolting as the contrast in energy is so significant. They may shake on my massage table, have incredible experiences every day for weeks as the energy activates their energy field and removes from their life what is blocking their potential. Why is this?… because they have a very powerful purpose and are here to carry a big energy. What does it feel like to experience life this way?! Well, for myself, for one, I have what I call heartgasms, where my heart energy and what I feel telepathically from others and from the entire universe is so intense, it is so wonderful, so loving, and reminds me what I hear those say they have visited the other side. You don’t have to die to feel that!! You can and should be feeling that this life, every day! Why wouldn’t you activate that ability… I would never go back, personally.
I am a QHHT past life regression practitioner for those wanting to dive deeper. The thing I like about Dolores Cannon’s work is that finally someone else talks about us, those with the abilities. She has passed though and it is more a time of no longer telling future stories of what will happen but what IS happening. My vision in beginning this work in my early twenties was to see every human fully using these abilities… and no, it’s not to show off to your friends, like scanning their body for problems without even touching them… it’s much, much deeper than that. They tell me sometimes it feels like pixie dust as I shower them in energetic gold! I love sharing all of this!! Humanity in my opinion should have been living with these abilities all along but most choose to live in fear or in pain, not sharing the light they came to live with. I’ve gone a week without food and water while hiking and it was no problem. You think you are hungry without one meal… it’s only because you have not tapped into your true energy source. The hundreds and even thousands of things you will discover after the fact will have you seeing the current caveman humanity as an almost joke for choosing to live without. Imagine sending telepathic messages to your friend and they receive it word for word, calling you to tell you all about it, or feeling exactly how much your lover loves you as your heart feels all of it. Imagine being so psychic no one can ever hide anything or even being able to make things happen. Anyone who thinks of you, you know it, you feel it! I will say some things happen for a reason, so don’t get too carried away, but it WILL be an epic crossover when you do, the question is, how ready are you… that will determine how much energy comes through, as well as how caring an individual. Those who care the most end up carrying the most of this energy because it is a huge responsibility. Only some are chosen for it, and divine setup will certainly arrange that. Don’t blow your divine setups, pay very close attention. You won’t want to have a do-over the next life, or maybe you do! Get it right this one. We are in for a massive awakening as so many WILL start seeing the effects of this energy and feeling these abilities wake up more and more!
Become new now, drop your old, meaningless judgements now, what happened yesterday doesn’t matter in the energetic realm. If you want to feel this incredible energy and see all of it’s beautiful soul manifestations as you truly come to life, then be here now, step into it and don’t look back at the past you once dragged with you. It will never allow this wonderful transformation, neither will fake acquaintances or superficial attachments. You can be real and still have fun, but you will notice the ego loosing its grip and begin flooding into what really matters most, hence experiencing that heaven on earth ecstasy all throughout your body as your soul takes over and begins the dance it has desired to express your entire life. The massive rewards for tapping into this, even for every good thing you do, you will see it magnify. Sometimes it takes someone like me to help activate you. For others, they may choose something else for now. We are all here to share something and what I love and live for is seeing people become the more advanced race I seemed to always remember, not this energetically lifeless one of seemingly trapped, low-energy souls. Remember who you are, remember the power you have at hand if you choose to shed that old comfort zone numbness. You no longer need that false sense of protection, or that defensive ego that blocks all of this wonderful energy. The brave surrender to this one, it’s not attained how you are used to, it’s time to rise to a whole new level for those who actually came here to really live! Don’t let your physical senses blind you endlessly, they are absolutely nothing compared to the senses you gain in the spiritual realm. Like I said, the contrast is huge and it will be mind blowing to see that some pass up that opportunity. It’s like choosing to eat worms your whole life when you could have explosions of flavorful food every day, and at all times. Who you ask would pass that up… it seems most do because they are either lied to or scared, who knows! I certainly decided from a young age I would never loose any of it and would only gain more and more and boy was it worth it, even if it meant refusing to go along with old, out-dated social norms. There is an aspect to be lost, to be gained, replaced by things thousands of times better.
You may be even lucky enough after activation to perform electrokinesis or psychokinesis. (I’ve only had to hire a few electricians as I sent my energy indoors and busted lines, lesson learned) Another is to be able to invoke orbs, what some may think of as angels or UFO’s, and yes, show your friends who’ve never been lucky enough to see them, or record them on your phone, … there are still people who can’t do this, the energy activates so many fascinating abilities. It allows so much more light to come through, and yes, this will become a norm on the planet. Just ask my daughter, she has seen me pull in hundreds of these things by now, since she was a baby she saw me doing electokonesis, atmokinesis, she has seen miracles and those beautiful orbs that show the high-energy ones just how connected you really are! She can now teach others too and she is only 11! I feel we should all be doing this. The fact anyone on this planet still is not, shows you how scared people are to evolve and let go of dense energy.
I’m here if your soul is guiding you to me as a part of this massive shifting, with the sessions I offer. Feel free to reach out and book me!
Yes, I do remote sessions, and often people see me in the room with them, as some have described what I was wearing(not performed with technology). This is not your 3-D-limited work. I bi-locate, scan, and work on a person’s energy field and it is just as though we are together in person. One can have more healings and activations remotely this way. I do not do QHHT remotely but I offer other phone sessions. I created this business to work with people in person, doing QHHT. I’d love to help you see your starseed origins, what your higher self may be wanting to tell you, to see your true joy fully unlock, to see you rise to a much higher energy, to unlock your psychic abilities and all of the other wonderful things I have seen in the 14 years of activating energy fields.
The Fountain of Youth, LLC
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